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Leading Remote Teams - Building Trust and Boosting Productivity

Writer: Ian KirkbyIan Kirkby

Aspire MCL has long argued that inspiring leadership and high-performance, 'healthy' boards and teams offer one of the few sources of sustainable competitive advantage in today's rapidly changing business world. Why? Because this combination is both incredibly powerful and very rare. It is not that business leaders fail to appreciate the potential benefits of such a combination, it is that they are too often unwilling to invest the resources necessary to properly cultivate either competency. In a world where the quick-win has become the dominant driving force, the idea of spending time to create a longer-term advantage is often a casualty of short-termism. Some think that they are too busy to make the investment, little knowing that it would actually save them time and generate better financial returns by improving decision-making, resilience, agility, etc.

Remote boards and teams are very much a fact of life today, and they present a range of challenges for both leaders and members. At the core of any effective team lies trust, and this great article from Gallup expands on this theme and offers some simple but informative questions you can ask to inform your thinking and growth:

Aspire MCL specialises in developing exceptional leaders and building effective teams at all levels. Get in touch today and take the first step on the path to unleashing your potential.

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