Our 5-part video series of short clips based on Patrick Lencioni's '5 Behaviours' Model is now complete.
Here are the links to all 5 parts (each of which is only a couple of minutes at most):
Pt 1 - Trust - https://bit.ly/AspireMCL2409-1
Pt 2 - Conflict - https://bit.ly/AspireMCL2409-2
Pt 3 - Commitment - https://bit.ly/AspireMCL2409-3
Pt 4 - Accountability - https://bit.ly/AspireMCL2409-4
Pt 5 - Results - https://bit.ly/AspireMCL2409-5
This is an excellent model that has been used to good effect to develop boards and teams in diverse sectors and cultures.
Get in touch for a no-obligation discussion on how using 'The 5 behaviours' and other aids can help you and your business release your potential!
