I really like the Gallup surveys: they are extensive and yield valuable information to inform business success. One of their latest reports is no exception: one of its headlines is that 'when comparing employee engagement levels, the top- and bottom-quartile business units and teams had a 23% difference in profitability.'
Here's a link to the report:
I also recall a HBR survey a few years ago which revealed that most managers who left their roles (well over 60%) were leaving to get away from somebody, most commonly their own line manager!
Incidentally, around 84% of the losing companies thought their people were leaving just for more money. That was true in <20% of the cases!
I am sometimes asked what hard business benefits are derived from leadership and board/team development programs. The evidence is abundant and plenteous - lots! Oh, and add to that the reduction in stress, saved time and enjoyment (yes, enjoyment!) that good development programs bring.
